Do You Love the Lord?

Years ago, when I was preaching in Jefferson City, TN, I arranged for our congregation to conduct worship services every Sunday at Jefferson County Nursing Home to accommodate a member we had staying there. One lady with whom I became acquainted while doing this each Sunday was Ms. Perna Noland, a sweet and gentle southern woman. Ms. Perna loved to see a man wearing a suit, and, because I wore one (as was typical for preachers in the South back then), she complimented me every time she saw me. While she was not a member of the church of Christ, she was a woman who respected the Bible and came to every service she could before she passed away.

In Ms. Perna’s possession was a copy of a book written by her daughter, Ms. Ersa Rhea Noland Smith, entitled Flyin’ Bullets & The Resplendent Badge. This book is a biography of the late Mr. Ray C. Noland, who was Ersa’s father and Perna’s husband.  The internet has become a much more informative place over the last decade and a half, but I remember after learning about the book at the time searching for “Ray C. Noland” on the internet and finding very little, even after specifying “sheriff” (Mr. Noland’s former occupation) and “Sevier” (the county in which he was formerly sheriff). No matter what treasures the internet now holds, I’m sure that Mr. Noland’s memory lives on primarily in the hearts and photographs of his family members and friends, and in his biography, which originally had only 1,000 copies in print.

One Sunday, as I stopped by Ms. Perna’s room, I was saddened to learn that I had missed my opportunity to bring her to our worship service. She had transferred from her wheelchair to her recliner, a difficult process that was not good for her to repeat often; she could not go to services, as she needed to rest. In her hands though there was something that caught my eye; it was a copy of the biography of her late husband. As I looked at the roughly 500-page book, I could see that it had been put to good use: several pages were loose, having come away from the binding; all the pages were frilled from past readings; the cover was as dog-eared as could be. I asked her about the book, and she explained its origin and its contents, and even that the cover had been replaced by her daughter. The tattered and torn cover in my sight was not even the original!

I didn’t take in the beauty of this picture until after I left her room. I realized then that the state of the book in Ms. Perna’s hands stood as a testament to her enduring and steadfast love for its subject matter. Though her husband had died, her love for him was far from dead.

The title of this article, if you’ll remember, is “Do You Love the Lord?”. Before you answer that question, you have to answer this one first: How much time do you spend with His biography? The Old Testament is our Lord’s Family Tree, the photo album of His ancestors. The Gospel accounts contain His life and teachings. Acts and the epistles are the story of His children in the faith and of His last will and testament. Revelation portrays the victory of His family over all else and the bright future he has in store for that family, His church. The Bible is Jesus’ biography.

Are the pages of your Bible worn? Have you read it time and time again? Or are there pages to which you have never turned, verses you have never read? Worse still, is your only copy of the Bible one of those sad Bibles that spends most of the week in darkness, waiting inside the auditorium of the church’s building to be read and used? Ms. Perna probably could have told you the story of her husband’s life without opening his biography once. Could you do the same for your Lord? Now let me ask you – Do you love the Lord? “Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day” (Psalm 119:97).
-Patrick Swayne






1 Corinthians 12:29 1 Corinthians 12 1 Corinthians 14:15 1 Corinthians 14 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 1 Corinthians 1:14 1 Corinthians 4:3-4 1 Corinthians 4 1 Corinthians 6:2-3 1 Corinthians 7 1 Peter 1:3-5 1 Peter 1:6-12 1 Peter 2:17 1 Peter 2:9 1 Peter 3 1 Peter 5:6-7 1 Peter 1 Samuel 4 1 Thessalonians 5:18 1 Timothy 4:1-3 2 Corinthians 5:10 2 Corinthians 6 2 John 1:9 2 John 9 2 Kings 5 2 Kings 2 Peter 2 2 Peter 3 2 Peter 2 Samuel Abel Abraham Absalom Acts 17 Acts 19 Acts 20:28 Acts 22:16 Acts 2 Acts 8 Acts Age of Accountability Alcohol Alleged Contradictions Anointed One Apostles Ark of the Covenant Attitude Authority Autonomy Autumn Awesome Awe Balance Baptismal Regeneration Baptism Barnabas Benevolence Bible Contradictions Bible Questions and Answers Bible Study Bible Time Bible Biblical Interpretation Bishop Body of Christ Borrowing Broad Way Brotherhood Cain and Abel Cain Calling on the Name of the Lord Calvinism Catholicism Catholic Celibacy Challenges Children Child Christian Living Christmas Christ Church Funds Church Growth Church Leadership Church Membership Church of Christ Church Circumspection Citations Citizenship Colossians 3:16 Communication Communion Community Church Community Confidence Congregations Contend for the Faith Contentment Counting the Cost Covetousness Creation Credit Crucifixion Current Events Dating David Debt Forgivness Deconstruction Degrees of Punishment Deity Deliverance Denominationalism Devil Difference Different Discipleship Divine Nature Doctrine Dragon Drinking Easter Ecclesiastes 7:10 Ecclesia Eldership Elders Elder Elijah Elisha Encouragement Enoch Ephesians 2:8-9 Ephesians 4:11-16 Ephesians 5:15 Ephesians 5:16 Ephesians 5:18 Ephesians 5:19 Ephesians 5:5 Ephesians 5 Esther 4:14 Evangelism Ezekiel 18:20 Ezekiel 36 Ezekiel 6 Faith Alone Faith Only Faithfulness Faith Falling Away Fall False Teachers False Teaching Family Worship Family Fathers Favor Fear Feeding of the 5000 Fornication Free Will Fundamentals Galatians 4:9-10 Galatians 6:2 Gender Roles Generosity Genesis 22 Genesis 4 Genesis Gift of Tongues Gifts Giving God's Grace God\'s Grace Godhead Godhood God Gospel Meeting Gospel Grace Grammar Gratitude Greater Sin Greed Grief Grieving Hallelujah Praise Jehovah Hallelujah Hebrews 10:25 Hebrews 13:4 Hebrews 5:12 Help Hermeneutics Holidays Holy Bread Holy Spirit's Deity Home Devotionals Home Husbands Hymns Hypotheticals Idolatry Immutability Imperatives Influence Inherited Sin Insomnia Instrumental Music Instruments in Worship Intertextuality Isaac Isaiah 2 Isaiah 6 James 1:16: James 1:19 James 1:27 James 1 James 3:1 James Jehovah Witnesses Jehovah Jerome Jesus Nature Jesus Temptation Jesus Trial Jesus' Deity Jesus\' Deity Jesus Job John 11 John 19:11 John 1:1 John 3:16 John 3:36 John 3 John 4:24 John Calvin John the Baptist Joshua 24:15 Jude 1:11 Jude 3 Jude Judgement Judging Judgment Kindness Kingdom of Heaven Lamb of God Lamech Lazarus Leadership Leaven Lemuel Lending Levites Life Lessons Limited Atonement Living Sacrifice Local Church Lord's Supper Losing Salvation Love of God Luke 13:22-30 Luke 13:23 Luke 18:16 Luke 1:28 Luke 5:1-11 Mariolatry Mark 10:14 Mark 1:12-13 Mark Marriage Martin Luther Mary Matthew 16:18 Matthew 18:3 Matthew 19:14 Matthew 5:13-16 Matthew 5:3-12 Matthew 5 Matthew 6:19-20 Matthew 7:13-14 Matthew 7:1 Maturity Melchizedek Men's Business Meeting Men\'s Business Meeting Men\\\'s Business Meeting Men Messiah Metaphors Minor Prophets Miracles Miraculous Gifts Money Monotheism Mormonism Mothers Mount of Olives Mountain of the Lord's House Mountains of Israel Mountains Murder Music Mutual Submission Narrow Gate Narrow Way New Creation Nicodemus No Elders Non-Denominational OSAS Olive Trees Olives Olivet Olive Once Saved Always Saved One Another Parenting Pastor Patience Patriarchs Pattern Paul Peace Pentecostalism Persecution Perseverance of the Saints Perseverance Perseverence Perspective Pharisees Philippians 3:20 Philippians 4:6 Pilate Plagiarism Plan of Salvation Poetic Language Politics Pop Music Prayer Praying to Saints Praying Pray Preacher Preaching Priesthood Priests Proverbs 23 Proverbs 31:6 Proverbs Providence Psalm 148 Psalm 2 Psalm 33 Quotations Reader Response Redeeming the Time Relationships Relationship Religion Religious Pluralism Religious Syncretism Remission of Sins Respect Restoration Movement Restoration Revelation 12:9 Riches Roman Catholic Church Romans 10:1-13 Romans 10:13 Romans 10:9-10 Romans 12:1-8 Romans 12:10 Romans 12:15 Romans 12:1 Romans 12:3-8 Romans 12 Romans Sabbath Sacrifice Saints Only Salvation Issue Salvation Satan Saved Scarecrows Sermon on the Mount Serving Others Sexual Sin Shewbread Showbread Silence of the Scriptures Sinful Nature Singing Sin Situation Ethics Sleep Sobriety Song Studies Sons Soul Winning Sovereignty of God Spending Spirit and Truth Spiritual Death Spiritual Gifts Spiritual Leadership Steal Stephen Stolen Straight Gate Stress Student Debt Submission Suffering Syncretism TULIP Teachers Teaching Temptations Thankfulness The Beatitudes The Problem of Evil The Problem of Pain and Suffering The Problem of Suffering The Way of Cain The Way Thievery Thieves Titus 2:11-12 Titus 2 Tongue Speaking Total Hereditary Depravity Tradition Translation Trials Trinity Types and Antitypes Unchanging Nature Uncleanness Unconditional Election Understanding Unity Universalism Unknown Tongue Unmerited Favor Vulgate Wealth Wide Gate Will of God William Kirkpatrick Wives Women in the Church Women's Roles Word Study Work Worship Youth Zechariah clergy death sickness