Posts with the category “bible-study”

A Taste of the Lord's Goodness (Psalm 34)
by Patrick Swayne on March 20th, 2025
While it is impossible to sample the life of faith without fully embracing it, Psalm 34 does a wonderful job of summarizing its blessings. Whether you are a believer or an agnostic, I hope you will take a few moments to consider this Psalm's simple yet profound message.   Read More
What Gideon Teaches Christian Soldiers
by Patrick Swayne on March 17th, 2025
Each Christian ought to be "a good soldier" (2 Timothy 2:3). So, what attributes does God look for in a soldier? Let's see what we can learn from when God helped Gideon assemble an army.  Read More
Lent, the Liturgical Calendar, and the Unintended Baggage of Manmade Traditions
by Patrick Swayne on March 7th, 2025
Recently, there has been a renewed interest in exploring post-Biblical religious traditions like Lent. What are some things that Christians should keep in mind as they evaluate these traditions?   Read More
When Was the Church of Christ Established?
by Patrick Swayne on February 21st, 2025
When people search for the origin of the church of Jesus Christ, sometimes they turn their attention to late 18th or early 19th century America. The Bible would see us look on a different continent, several hundred years earlier.  Read More
Choosing To Be the Better You
by Patrick Swayne on January 31st, 2025
Christianity calls us to be transformed. Being transformed isn't always about changing who we are; sometimes it's about choosing to be a better version of ourselves. Let's talk about personality, choices, and outcomes by reflecting on the life of King Saul.   Read More
Is the Second Coming of Jesus Really His Second Coming?
by Patrick Swayne on January 24th, 2025
The Second Coming of Jesus is an event that many professed believers embrace. Unfortunately, their view of it often differs. Why? Let's explore some of the Biblical language surrounding the Lord's return.   Read More
When God Closes a Door
by Patrick Swayne on January 17th, 2025
Have you ever really wanted to do something but found that you were totally unable to do it? What lessons can we learn from when God closes a door?  Read More
Born Liars or Kingdom Heirs: What Does the Bible Teach About the Spiritual Condition of Young Children?
by Patrick Swayne on December 21st, 2024
Some people believe that children are subject to "total hereditary depravity" or "original sin," meaning they are sinful from birth. Why then does the Bible say to "become as little children"?   Read More
Singing Condemnation on Yourself
by Patrick Swayne on December 7th, 2024
The trial of Jesus was a tragedy in so many ways. One not often considered is how the Jewish leaders rebelled not just against God but against the very songs they had sung in worship. Could we end up doing the same thing?   Read More
The Problem with Saying It's Not a Salvation Issue
by Patrick Swayne on November 30th, 2024
"I don't think that's a salvation issue." Ever heard this before? Ever said it? We can be pretty quick to declare whether or not a matter is one of eternal importance. Should we be? What does the Bible say?   Read More
Inexact by Inspiration
by Patrick Swayne on November 23rd, 2024
Many churches keep detailed records: attendance, baptisms, restorations, and contribution. Our numbers are typically quite precise. Yet, when the Holy Spirit took attendance of the disciples, He was always inexact. Why, and what can we learn from this?   Read More
The Connection Between God’s Teaching and His Grace
by Patrick Swayne on November 16th, 2024
We can all be thankful that God's saving grace has appeared. Sadly, this doesn't mean that everyone is saved... but why? Let's explore Titus 2:11-12.   Read More
Can a Christian Fall Away and Be Lost?
by Patrick Swayne on November 2nd, 2024
God's grace is incredibly rich... but is it so rich that it can prevent the saved from being lost? Or is there something that the New Testament wants us to understand about grace?   Read More
Three Simple Truths from One Short Verse
by Patrick Swayne on October 11th, 2024
While the Bible begins appropriately, "In the beginning," one Gospel writer takes us to before the beginning. What truths does he reveal about Jesus from this time before time?   Read More
What Is Calling on the Name of the Lord?
by Patrick Swayne on October 4th, 2024
Romans 10:9-13 are considered by some to be a one stop shop to teach a sinner how to be saved. Are they, or is there more to the story? Let's examine these verses in their context and learn about calling on the name of the Lord.  Read More
What You Might Not Have Noticed About Everyone's Favorite Verse
by Patrick Swayne on September 21st, 2024
John 3:16 is a favorite verse of many people for it's powerful truths. However, it contains a detail that must be understood by anyone who wants to understand salvation. Let's study it together.  Read More
Will Only a Few Be Saved?
by Patrick Swayne on September 14th, 2024
Jesus was once asked the question, "Lord, will only a few be saved?" Have you ever wondered the same thing? Let's explore what the Bible says.  Read More
Is Teaching God's Pathway to Maturity?
by Patrick Swayne on July 26th, 2024
Can you imagine someone coming up from the waters of baptism only to be handed a pen so he could sign up on the teaching roster? I doubt it's ever happened, but it is sometimes thought that Christians should be encouraged to teach their way to maturity. Is this what God intended?   Read More
How Can a God Who Doesn't Change Answer Prayers?
by Patrick Swayne on July 5th, 2024
God said, "I do not change" (Malachi 3:6). Does that mean that our prayers don't really matter? Let's consider our unchanging God and the various aspects of His will at work when we pray.   Read More
Yes - All Who Wander Are Lost
by Patrick Swayne on June 24th, 2024
You've probably heard the popular traveler's saying, "Not all who wander are lost." There is a kind of wandering though that will guarantee being lost, and the Bible warns us about it. Let's open our Bibles and explore James 1:16.   Read More
A Christian's Citizenship
by Patrick Swayne on June 14th, 2024
Citizenship was precious and valued in the first century, so much so in fact that some obtained it "with a large sum" (Acts 22:28). What did Peter's words identifying Christians as members of "holy nation" (1 Peter 2:9) mean in such an environment, and what should they mean to us?   Read More
Olives and the Bible
by Patrick Swayne on June 7th, 2024
Olives and olive trees were a major part of the world of the Bible. What can we learn from the many verses that discuss olives and olive trees?   Read More
Where Is the Altar for a Living Sacrifice?
by Patrick Swayne on May 24th, 2024
As Joshua 22 reveals, the altar used in making sacrifices to God was so important to the faithful that they were willing to go to war over it. Does God have an altar for Christians and their living sacrifices today?   Read More
One Morning in the Mountains of Moriah
by Patrick Swayne on May 18th, 2024
Paul said that God "preached the Gospel to Abraham" (Galatians 3:8). While he had a specific occasion in mind, there really is so much of the Gospel in Abraham's life. No more vividly is the Gospel on display than when Abraham took his son to the mountains of Moriah.   Read More
Isaiah's Vision of God
by Patrick Swayne on May 10th, 2024
Some religions doubt or even deny the Deity of Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit. What does Isaiah's vision of God in Isaiah 6 reveal about them and about God?   Read More
Celibacy and Scripture
by Patrick Swayne on May 4th, 2024
A decline in marriage rates globally has seen an upswing in the popularity of religious celibacy. It's nothing new; some religions have been forbidding marriage for some or all of their adherents for years. What does the Bible say about celibacy?   Read More
Traffic Cones on the Broad Way
by Patrick Swayne on April 26th, 2024
"There are many roads that lead to Heaven." People used to say this about a broad spectrum of self-described Christian faiths; they now say it about a wide variety of religions, some of which actually deny Jesus as Lord. What trends influenced this change, and what does the Bible say about the path to Heaven?   Read More
Why the Little "c" Matters
by Patrick Swayne on April 6th, 2024
It's not uncommon to hear someone who was raised in a Christian home publicly denounce his/her faith, having bought into the philosophy of deconstructionism. Like Peter though, these individuals' speech betrays something about them: they speak of the "Church of Christ," when so many Christians would rather talk about the "church of Christ." What's the difference - why does that little "c" matter?   Read More
Don't Try to Take Jesus' Seat
by Patrick Swayne on March 22nd, 2024
“So, are you saying that __________ am/is/are/would be lost?” As Christians, we're often asked this question. How do we answer? Let's consider what the Bible says about judgment.   Read More
Is Mary Full of Grace?
by Patrick Swayne on March 8th, 2024
A common Catholic prayer known sometimes as a "Hail Mary" claims that Mary is "full of grace" before seeking her intercession and help. Where did this prayer come from, and what does the Bible say about it?   Read More
When God Spoke to Mountains: What the Mountains of Israel Can Teach the Mountain of the Lord's House
by Patrick Swayne on February 24th, 2024
Ezekiel is told on two separate occasions to prophesy to “the mountains of Israel” (Ezekiel 6:2; 36:1). Both times, he delivered a message from the Lord Himself. Why did God talk to mountains, and what can the church learn from what the prophet said?   Read More
What Is the "Greater Sin"?
by Patrick Swayne on February 16th, 2024
While standing before Pilate, Jesus said, “The one who delivered Me to you has the greater sin” (John 19:11). What does "the greater sin" mean? Does this statement imply that there are big sins and little sins? Let's see what the Bible says.   Read More
What Is the Unknown Tongue of 1 Corinthians 14?
by Patrick Swayne on January 26th, 2024
In 1 Corinthians 14 in the King James Version, one can read of an "unknown tongue." Why does it say this, and what exactly is the gift of tongues spoken about in this chapter?   Read More
Our Mission Begins in the Mirror: Soul-Winning in 2 Peter 3
by Patrick Swayne on January 20th, 2024
Evangelism is the responsibility and privilege of every Christian. Though this is true, evangelism will fail if souls won fall away from the faith... including ours. As outward trials and inward troubles fell upon the church, what final charges did Peter give them, and what can we learn?   Read More
Do I Believe in Work-Based Salvation?
by Patrick Swayne on December 29th, 2023
When asked, most people who claim to be Christians will also claim that they don't believe in salvation through good works. However, a closer examination of their beliefs may tell a different story.  Read More
Are You Trying to Put God in a Box?
by Patrick Swayne on December 16th, 2023
When the Israelites took the ark of the covenant with them into a battle against the Philistines, they demonstrated that they thought God dwelled in a box. Are we guilty of trying to put God in boxes today?   Read More
Were New Testament Authors Guilty of Plagiarism? (Examining Citation in Scripture)
by Patrick Swayne on November 10th, 2023
Students today are taught to avoid plagiarism by properly citing the sources that influence their work. New Testament authors used citation to a degree, but sometimes their efforts in doing so leave modern readers with more questions than answers. Let's attempt to answer some of these questions by considering a couple of New Testament examples.   Read More
The Most Successful Gospel Meeting Ever
by Patrick Swayne on October 13th, 2023
Gospel Meetings were both both successful and common in the yesteryears of the United States. However, there once was a Gospel Meeting that would put even the best attended meeting in the United States to shame. What can we learn from this meeting and the man who preached at it?   Read More
Mark's Look at Jesus' Temptation (and What It Teaches Us About Bible Study)
by Patrick Swayne on September 29th, 2023
If you were challenged to open your Bible to an account of Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, would have you have turned to Mark 1? Mark's short account of this event is often overlooked or lumped into the longer accounts. What can be gained from focusing specifically on what he recorded and developing a habit of considering texts in their context first?  Read More
Is Christianity a Relationship and Not a Religion?
by Patrick Swayne on September 22nd, 2023
"Christianity is a relationship, not a religion." Have you ever felt like this, or said it? More and more people see religion as the antithesis of faith instead of an avenue for faith. Are they right? Let's see what our Bibles say about "religion."   Read More