Posts with the category “authority”

Lent, the Liturgical Calendar, and the Unintended Baggage of Manmade Traditions
by Patrick Swayne on March 7th, 2025
Recently, there has been a renewed interest in exploring post-Biblical religious traditions like Lent. What are some things that Christians should keep in mind as they evaluate these traditions?   Read More
Traffic Cones on the Broad Way
by Patrick Swayne on April 26th, 2024
"There are many roads that lead to Heaven." People used to say this about a broad spectrum of self-described Christian faiths; they now say it about a wide variety of religions, some of which actually deny Jesus as Lord. What trends influenced this change, and what does the Bible say about the path to Heaven?   Read More
Worshipping God in Truth
by Patrick Swayne on March 1st, 2024
Those who worship God "must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24). What role does truth play in our worship? How can we worship in truth today?  Read More
Is Christianity a Relationship and Not a Religion?
by Patrick Swayne on September 22nd, 2023
"Christianity is a relationship, not a religion." Have you ever felt like this, or said it? More and more people see religion as the antithesis of faith instead of an avenue for faith. Are they right? Let's see what our Bibles say about "religion."   Read More
Does Doctrine Matter to God?
by Patrick Swayne on September 8th, 2023
Recently, an assembly that had identified as a church of Christ allowed itself to be absorbed into a denominational body. Several alterations have already been made to the assembly's practices, a byproduct of the denomination's leadership being as one of them put it, "not doctrine-driven." But what is doctrine, and is it something that matters to God?   Read More
Christian’s Responsibility to the Government - Part 2
by Asher Lloyd on April 14th, 2020
This series looks at governments and our responsibility toward those who govern our society.  Read More
Christian’s Responsibility to the Government - Part 1
by Asher Lloyd on March 25th, 2020
This series looks at governments and our responsibility toward those who govern our society.  Read More