Posts with the tag “christian-living”

A Taste of the Lord's Goodness (Psalm 34)
by Patrick Swayne on March 20th, 2025
While it is impossible to sample the life of faith without fully embracing it, Psalm 34 does a wonderful job of summarizing its blessings. Whether you are a believer or an agnostic, I hope you will take a few moments to consider this Psalm's simple yet profound message.   Read More
Christians Shouldn't Be All Alone
by Patrick Swayne on November 8th, 2024
There is a growing trend that sees people practicing Christianity as individuals or families apart from a community of believers. What does the Bible say about choosing to live all alone as a Christian?  Read More
Can a Christian Fall Away and Be Lost?
by Patrick Swayne on November 2nd, 2024
God's grace is incredibly rich... but is it so rich that it can prevent the saved from being lost? Or is there something that the New Testament wants us to understand about grace?   Read More
A Farmhouse Fable
by Patrick Swayne on October 19th, 2024
One day, a farmer bought a mousetrap. What lessons can we learn from the events that followed?  Read More
The Good Old Days...?
by Patrick Swayne on July 7th, 2023
Nostalgia is an incredibly powerful human emotion. At its best, it tethers a current generation to a past time so that the good of the past isn't rejected. At its worst though, it creates an unhealthy preoccupation with a time that's gone. Let's reflect on what the Bible says about seeing the past as "the good old days."   Read More
Does the Bible Prescribe Alcohol for Mental Health? (An Examination of Proverbs 31:6)
by Patrick Swayne on June 22nd, 2023
Proverbs 31:6 is frequently used as a proof text for those trying to demonstrate a positive view of alcohol from Scripture. is that really how God intended for it to be used? Let's put the verse back in its context and reflect upon its meaning.   Read More
What Calvin Taught Me About Kindness
by Patrick Swayne on May 12th, 2023
Having a vehicle breakdown in the middle of nowhere can be a truly stressful situation. On one occasion, I found myself in that situation, and I was taught a lesson - not in patience as I expected but in kindness.   Read More
Are Christians Saved by the Skin of Their Teeth?
by Patrick Swayne on April 1st, 2023
More than once I’ve heard a preacher say that Christians are saved by the skin of their teeth, meaning "by the thinnest or barest of margins." Is this how we should envision our salvation?   Read More
The Best Sleep You'll Ever Have
by Patrick Swayne on December 9th, 2022
A Forbes article reported back in March 2022 that Americans purchase $65 billion worth of sleep aids per year. For all of that, some people still can't sleep. How about you? Would you like to know the secret to the best sleep you'll ever had?   Read More
Don't Talk to Strangers?
by Patrick Swayne on June 11th, 2022
If you attended public school in the past 30 or 40 years, there's a fair chance you heard over and over again, "Don't talk to strangers." What are some of the unintended consequences of this safety guideline? Should Christians abide by it in every situation?   Read More
When Fuel Prices Rise
by Patrick Swayne on June 2nd, 2022
2022 has seen an incredible rise in commodity prices and most notably fuel. Is there anything in God's Word that can help us when we're feeling pain at the pump?   Read More
Overcoming Conflict
by Patrick Swayne on May 28th, 2022
Unity is without a doubt "good... and... pleasant" (Psalm 133:1). Unfortunately, knowing it's good doesn't produce it. What can we learn from Paul about overcoming conflict and creating or restoring unity?  Read More
Keeping God in Our Vacations
by Patrick Swayne on May 21st, 2022
A lot of people look forward to vacations in the summertime. Here's a question though: does God look forward to our vacations? How can we ensure that vacations draw us closer to God instead of pulling us away from Him?   Read More
A Story About Serving
by Patrick Swayne on May 7th, 2022
Christians live transformed lives as new creations thanks to the power of Jesus Christ. An opportunity I was given to serve one day both reminded me of that and helped me appreciate the humble service of my Lord and Savior.   Read More
The Preacher Who Didn't Use His Bible
by Patrick Swayne on April 8th, 2022
You probably have heard of churches where the Bible is not preached - as in, literally not preached, not even referenced. Did you know though that there was a time when a preacher in the Bible didn't use his Bible when he could have? Why did it happen, and what can we learn from it?   Read More
Under the Influence
by Patrick Swayne on March 19th, 2022
Ephesians 5:18 contrasts being drunk with wine with being filled with the Spirit. Why? I firmly believe it's a question of influence. Click through to explore this passage with me.   Read More
Sounding Out Soundness
by Patrick Swayne on March 4th, 2022
The Bible uses the term "sound" to describe doctrine, faith, and other aspects of the Christian practice. What does it mean for something to be "sound"? Click through to follow the journey of one Christian as he discovered what soundness was and was not through firsthand experiences.   Read More
Don't Despise Small Things
by Patrick Swayne on February 22nd, 2022
Christians frequently feel as though the efforts of others in the past or the present but elsewhere cause their own contributions in the here and now to pale in comparison. Through the prophet Zechariah, God offered the Jews building the second temple who felt similarly to these Christians a word of encouragement. We'd all do well to consider it.   Read More
Giving Yourself into Poverty (and Riches)
by Patrick Swayne on November 29th, 2021
Can Christians give themselves into poverty? Or, is giving actually an avenue God uses to protect us against poverty? Let's consider the amazing story of how God provided for the church in Jerusalem.  Read More