Six Days of Creation
Since the dawn of time, Satan has striven to negate the Word of God in the mind of man. This he does by instilling doubt and confusion as to what God would have man to do and to believe. In the Garden of Eden, he convinced Eve that God did not mean it when He commanded that they abstain from eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil thus causing them to be ejected from their paradise on earth. In the wilderness, he convinced the children of Israel that they were not ready to enter into the promised land thereby costing all of those alive, except for Caleb and Joshua, the opportunity to live in the land of milk and honey.
Today, Satan is actively working to confuse the world concerning the age of the earth. Our textbooks have filled our minds with so called “facts” to convince us that the earth is billions of years old when in fact the Bible teaches that the earth is not very old at all. Still, many try to justify the two opposing teachings by reading into the Bible that which it never meant to teach instead of simply trusting in the fact that God means what He says.
In spite of the clear language of the Bible, there are many who would have you believe that each of the seven
days represents a vast amount of time, thereby holding to an evolutionary timetable with room for billions of
years. The Bible teaches otherwise. Exodus 20:11 reads, for in six days Jehovah made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore Jehovah blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. In fact, the creation timeline is repeated over twenty times in the Old Testament. It is also evident, upon closer examination, that nothing is really gained by lengthening the creation days to accommodate the evolutionary timetable of the earth. The revealed events are in many cases reversed from the order which evolution would require (e.g. earth before sun; whales before land mammals: birds before reptiles).
The six days of creation were each, literal, twenty-four hour days, and not vast periods of time. God’s Word
states it. Rational minds accept it. We should all hold to the truth of God’s Word and trust that He means what
He says. As the psalmist stated, The sum of thy word is truth (Psalm 119:160).