How You Can Begin the Church in Your Village

Perhaps you live in a city or village where the church of Christ does not yet exist. There may be man-made churches in the area, but the church of the bible has not yet been established. What should you do? Should you become a member of a man-made church? Should you move to another where the church of Christ is found? These are important questions.

It is possible for you to become a member of the church of Christ. It is also possible for you to begin a congregation which follows the New Testament pattern in your own city or village. Here are the suggested steps for you to take:

Get a Bible for yourself. Bibles are available nearly anywhere. They can be purchased. They are often available at no charge from various churches and radio ministries. There are some translations of the Bible which we do not recommend. We do recommend, however, the 1611 King James Version and the New King James Version. Read the Bible daily and diligently. Give special attention to the New Testament, for this contains the law of Christ for people today. It will tell you what to do to be saved, how to worship God acceptably, and how to live the Christian life.

Obey the Gospel. The Lord teaches in His Word that if you will believe in Him, repent of all your sins, confess Him before men, and be baptized (immersed in water) for the forgiveness of sins, you will be saved (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Matthew 10:32; Acts 8:37; Romans 6:3-4). The book of Acts gives several examples of people becoming Christians as a result of being taught by the apostles and other inspired men. When you are ready to obey the Lord, find someone who is willing to baptize you according to the teaching of the Bible. Go to a place where there is sufficient water to immerse you in water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19-20). When you have obeyed the Gospel, you are added by Christ to His church (Acts 2:36-47; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Ephesians 1:3; Galatians 3:26-27). You are now a Christian, nothing more, nothing less (Acts 11:26).

Begin worship in your home. Tell your family, friends and neighbors about Jesus Christ and His church. Begin meeting to worship God every Sunday, which is the first day of the week (Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:1-2). There are five acts of worship taught in the New Testament. You should observe all five of these every Sunday. First, there should be preaching and teaching of God’s Word. Use your Bible to prepare lessons to present (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:42; 20:7). Second, some time should be given to prayer (1 Timothy 2:8). Third, there should be songs of praise sung to the Lord (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). All who are present should unite their voices in song. The New Testament does not authorize the use of mechanical instruments so the singing should be vocal only. The Lord’s supper should be eaten (Matthew 26:26-28; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 11:23-33). This is to remember the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord. Unleavened (made without yeast) bread and fruit of the vine (grape juice) are the elements to use in the Lord’s supper. If you cannot find these elements in the shops, then you can bake the bread yourself. The fruit of the vine can be made from raisins if grape juice is not
available. Simply boil the raisins, which are dried grapes, drain off the juice and use it for the Lord’s supper. Finally, a contribution should be taken (1 Corinthians 16:1-2). You must give to God as He has prospered you. Others may also wish to give. This money should be handled honestly. It can be used to
help the needy, to preach the Gospel, and to take care of any Scriptural needs of the church. You should meet every first day of every week for worship!

Do all you can to teach others the Gospel. Besides the meetings on Sunday in your own home, try to arrange meetings in other parts of the city or in other villages. In these meetings, you should just preach the Gospel until there are others who wish to become Christians. When they have obeyed the Gospel,
then they will need to begin meeting on Sunday to worship God.

Be faithful to the Lord. You can be a Christian, a member of the church of Christ, where you are. You can teach others what to do to be saved. You can worship God according to the pattern given in His Word. You can live and love and serve God faithfully and die with a sure hope of Heaven in your heart
(Revelation 2:10).