The Lord Knows How to Deliver Us
on July 28th, 2023
2 Peter 2 is a chapter full of condemnation for the wicked, and yet in the midst of it, there is a hopeful promise: "the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation" (2 Peter 2:9). What can we learn from the context about the Lord's deliverance?   Read More
Why Acapella Matters
on July 21st, 2023
The early church was united in the practice of acapella singing; the thousands of denominations that exist today... aren't, to put it mildly. These days, one can find all kinds of music being offered in praise to God. Why were things so different 2000 years ago? Let's dig deeper in our Bibles and find out.   Read More
Why Should I Contend for the Faith?
on July 14th, 2023
"Contend for the faith" is a command... except it isn't in the text of Jude 3. Instead, it's an infinitive, a verb form that describes an activity that Jude wrote to encourage. His brief epistle not only reveals how to contend for the faith but why one not only should but must do so.   Read More
The Good Old Days...?
on July 7th, 2023
Nostalgia is an incredibly powerful human emotion. At its best, it tethers a current generation to a past time so that the good of the past isn't rejected. At its worst though, it creates an unhealthy preoccupation with a time that's gone. Let's reflect on what the Bible says about seeing the past as "the good old days."   Read More
Are You an Idolator?
on June 30th, 2023
We tend to think of idolatry as bowing down to a statue symbolizing a false deity or one's ancestors. However, Ephesians 5:5 would have us think about the term differently.   Read More
Does the Bible Prescribe Alcohol for Mental Health? (An Examination of Proverbs 31:6)
on June 22nd, 2023
Proverbs 31:6 is frequently used as a proof text for those trying to demonstrate a positive view of alcohol from Scripture. is that really how God intended for it to be used? Let's put the verse back in its context and reflect upon its meaning.   Read More
Go Back Further: An Appeal Regarding a Recent Controversy over Women’s Roles in the Church
on June 16th, 2023
Rick Warren, a well-known denominational church leader, recently proposed that we should "go back to the first century" to discover "the church at its best." In his church though, there are "women pastors" who teach the assembled church. How did his church establish this practice, and is it really what the first century church did?   Read More
Men (Not) at Work: Protecting Our Sons from a Dangerous Trend
on June 9th, 2023
Edwin Louis Cole rightly said, “Being a male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of choice.” Sadly, many men today simply aren't making that choice by neglecting the God given role of work in their lives. How can we help our sons choose to be men one day?   Read More
Mixed, Misplaced, and Reappropriated Metaphors
on June 2nd, 2023
Up from the grave, He... a rose? Well, that's not quite what the hymn says, but there are hymns that refer to Jesus as a rose or a lily. Why? Let's reflect on metaphors used in hymns.   Read More
A Closer Look at Spiritual Death
on May 26th, 2023
According to the teachings of John Calvin, man is spiritually dead because of sin and incapable of responding to God. Is this really what the Bible teaches about spiritual death?   Read More
What Calvin Taught Me About Kindness
on May 12th, 2023
Having a vehicle breakdown in the middle of nowhere can be a truly stressful situation. On one occasion, I found myself in that situation, and I was taught a lesson - not in patience as I expected but in kindness.   Read More
Shouldn't God Get What He Ordered?
on May 5th, 2023
When we visit a restaurant or buy a coffee, we expect to get what we order. Is it reasonable to think that God should get what He ordered? Let's reflect upon what the Bible says about God's orders for our worship.   Read More