Abortion and Euthanasia
About forty years ago some countries began allowing abortions to be performed legally. Then in 1973, abortion was legalized in the United States. In 1979, fifty-five million abortions were performed in the world. Millions of abortions are still performed each year worldwide, and are legal according to man’s laws! Herod’s killing of a few babies in Bethlehem is insignificant in comparison (Matthew 2:16-18). The Pharaoh who ordered the Hebrew male children slain to hold down the population is made to look like a modern-day ecology hero (Exodus 1:15-22).
Is There Human Life in the Womb?
Life begins at conception. If life does not begin then, when does it begin? Where is the evidence to show that life begins later? The baby’s sex, race, hair color, etc., are determined at conception. From twelve weeks after conception until birth the baby grows until exiting the womb, breathes air, and takes food by mouth.
What Does the Bible Say About the Unborn Baby?
The Bible teaches that it is sin to kill an innocent human life on purpose (Genesis 9:6; Proverbs 6:17). This is what abortion does!
A study of the Greek word βρέφος (brephos) and the way it is translated tells us God’s thinking about the unborn baby. In Luke 1:41, 44, the Bible refers to John the Baptist as “the babe in her womb.” In Luke 2:12, 16, the word “babe” refers to Jesus in the manger. This same word is used in 1 Peter 2:2, 2 Timothy 3:15, Luke 18:15, and Acts 7:19. All of these are instances of the same Greek word with the same meaning.
God shows His concern for people before they are born (Jeremiah 1:4-5; Psalm 139:13-16). God does not approve the taking of life just because of inconvenience. The right of life and death belongs to God (Job 1:21). We do not have the right to take away life.
The meaning of euthanasia is “good death,” or “happy death.” It is the taking of a human life by another person to prevent further pain and suffering.
There are two basic types of euthanasia:
1. Voluntary. A patient is dying a slow, painful death. He asks for help to speed up the process. This is assisted suicide.
2. Involuntary. This is to cause the death of one who is not able to ask for help in dying. This would include little babies or those in a coma.
Those who believe in euthanasia say that if a person is not normal or does not have a productive life, he should be killed. But what is normal? Who has the right to say what is a productive life? There are many examples of people who are not normal, but are living happy, useful lives. Deformed babies, old people, sick people, and mentally disturbed people are targets of euthanasia. When we take the decision for life or death out of the hands of God, and place it in the hands of imperfect people, many mistakes will be made! (See Job 1:21.)
The Netherlands have led the way in promoting the practice of euthanasia. Before 1973, euthanasia was illegal in the Netherlands. Since that time, doctors and nurses have been actively involved in killing people who were not ready to die. In 1990, nine percent (9%) of all deaths in the Netherlands were carried out by doctors. Half of these were cases where the patient was killed without his consent.
There are organizations which publish books to teach people how to kill themselves or others. In the United States, Jack Kevorkian has become famous by helping many people kill themselves.
Why Is Euthanasia Wrong?
The practice of euthanasia is wrong because it violates the principle that life is given by God. God does not approve of “hands that shed innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:16-17). Life comes from God. It is God’s decision to give life and to take it away (Ecclesiastes 12:7; Job 1:21). In the Bible, shedding innocent blood is called murder (1 John 3:15; Genesis 9:6).
The death of King Saul is an example of euthanasia (1 Samuel 31:1-6). Saul did not want the Philistines to find him alive, because he knew they would torture him. He asked his armorbearer to kill him. When the armorbearer refused, Saul fell on his own sword and died. Saul committed suicide, but he did it in order to avoid suffering. He murdered himself and therefore was guilty of sin (Exodus 20:13).
Not all suffering is bad. Even though we may not always understand why we suffer, some good can come from it. The apostle Paul understood this (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). He had a “thorn in the flesh” which he asked God to remove, but he was made to realize it was for his good. Job is also an excellent example of this point (James 5:11).
Difficult Decisions
This whole issue of euthanasia has come about as a result of the cheapening of human life. Abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia are all results of the loss of respect for human life. When people understand and respect the sanctity of human life, they will not vote to end it.
In a Chinese family, the grandfather was no longer able to bring in any income to the family. He had become a liability. So one day his son put him into a wheelbarrow and took him to the top of a mountain to leave him there to die. He took his young son with him. After they had taken grandfather to the mountain and were on their way back down, the young son said to his father: “I am glad you took me with you so I will know where to take you when you are old.”
God has given us the right to make choices in this life. Many in the world today no longer believe it makes any difference whether we live or die. God wants us to “choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19).
In order to solve these problems in our society, we must strengthen the home. God teaches this in both the Old and New Testaments (Deuteronomy 6:6-7; Proverbs 22:6; Psalm 127:3-5; Ephesians 6:1-4). Let’s teach the value of human life, and let’s oppose the taking of innocent human life!
About forty years ago some countries began allowing abortions to be performed legally. Then in 1973, abortion was legalized in the United States. In 1979, fifty-five million abortions were performed in the world. Millions of abortions are still performed each year worldwide, and are legal according to man’s laws! Herod’s killing of a few babies in Bethlehem is insignificant in comparison (Matthew 2:16-18). The Pharaoh who ordered the Hebrew male children slain to hold down the population is made to look like a modern-day ecology hero (Exodus 1:15-22).
Is There Human Life in the Womb?
Life begins at conception. If life does not begin then, when does it begin? Where is the evidence to show that life begins later? The baby’s sex, race, hair color, etc., are determined at conception. From twelve weeks after conception until birth the baby grows until exiting the womb, breathes air, and takes food by mouth.
What Does the Bible Say About the Unborn Baby?
The Bible teaches that it is sin to kill an innocent human life on purpose (Genesis 9:6; Proverbs 6:17). This is what abortion does!
A study of the Greek word βρέφος (brephos) and the way it is translated tells us God’s thinking about the unborn baby. In Luke 1:41, 44, the Bible refers to John the Baptist as “the babe in her womb.” In Luke 2:12, 16, the word “babe” refers to Jesus in the manger. This same word is used in 1 Peter 2:2, 2 Timothy 3:15, Luke 18:15, and Acts 7:19. All of these are instances of the same Greek word with the same meaning.
God shows His concern for people before they are born (Jeremiah 1:4-5; Psalm 139:13-16). God does not approve the taking of life just because of inconvenience. The right of life and death belongs to God (Job 1:21). We do not have the right to take away life.
The meaning of euthanasia is “good death,” or “happy death.” It is the taking of a human life by another person to prevent further pain and suffering.
There are two basic types of euthanasia:
1. Voluntary. A patient is dying a slow, painful death. He asks for help to speed up the process. This is assisted suicide.
2. Involuntary. This is to cause the death of one who is not able to ask for help in dying. This would include little babies or those in a coma.
Those who believe in euthanasia say that if a person is not normal or does not have a productive life, he should be killed. But what is normal? Who has the right to say what is a productive life? There are many examples of people who are not normal, but are living happy, useful lives. Deformed babies, old people, sick people, and mentally disturbed people are targets of euthanasia. When we take the decision for life or death out of the hands of God, and place it in the hands of imperfect people, many mistakes will be made! (See Job 1:21.)
The Netherlands have led the way in promoting the practice of euthanasia. Before 1973, euthanasia was illegal in the Netherlands. Since that time, doctors and nurses have been actively involved in killing people who were not ready to die. In 1990, nine percent (9%) of all deaths in the Netherlands were carried out by doctors. Half of these were cases where the patient was killed without his consent.
There are organizations which publish books to teach people how to kill themselves or others. In the United States, Jack Kevorkian has become famous by helping many people kill themselves.
Why Is Euthanasia Wrong?
The practice of euthanasia is wrong because it violates the principle that life is given by God. God does not approve of “hands that shed innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:16-17). Life comes from God. It is God’s decision to give life and to take it away (Ecclesiastes 12:7; Job 1:21). In the Bible, shedding innocent blood is called murder (1 John 3:15; Genesis 9:6).
The death of King Saul is an example of euthanasia (1 Samuel 31:1-6). Saul did not want the Philistines to find him alive, because he knew they would torture him. He asked his armorbearer to kill him. When the armorbearer refused, Saul fell on his own sword and died. Saul committed suicide, but he did it in order to avoid suffering. He murdered himself and therefore was guilty of sin (Exodus 20:13).
Not all suffering is bad. Even though we may not always understand why we suffer, some good can come from it. The apostle Paul understood this (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). He had a “thorn in the flesh” which he asked God to remove, but he was made to realize it was for his good. Job is also an excellent example of this point (James 5:11).
Difficult Decisions
This whole issue of euthanasia has come about as a result of the cheapening of human life. Abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia are all results of the loss of respect for human life. When people understand and respect the sanctity of human life, they will not vote to end it.
In a Chinese family, the grandfather was no longer able to bring in any income to the family. He had become a liability. So one day his son put him into a wheelbarrow and took him to the top of a mountain to leave him there to die. He took his young son with him. After they had taken grandfather to the mountain and were on their way back down, the young son said to his father: “I am glad you took me with you so I will know where to take you when you are old.”
God has given us the right to make choices in this life. Many in the world today no longer believe it makes any difference whether we live or die. God wants us to “choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19).
In order to solve these problems in our society, we must strengthen the home. God teaches this in both the Old and New Testaments (Deuteronomy 6:6-7; Proverbs 22:6; Psalm 127:3-5; Ephesians 6:1-4). Let’s teach the value of human life, and let’s oppose the taking of innocent human life!